Major Discovery at Iska Iska

Iska Iska is in the SW part of the Eastern Cordillera which hosts a number of world-class deposits of gold, silver, iron ore, zinc, tin, lead and lithium.

The Iska Iska Porvenir Concession is a road accessible, royalty-free property that covers an area of 900 Ha (9km2) located 48 km north of Tupiza city, in the Sud Chichas Province of the Department of Potosí.

Caldera Complex

Iska Iska is a major silver-tin polymetallic porphyry-epithermal complex associated with a Miocene collapsed/resurgent caldera, emplaced on Ordovician age rocks with major breccia pipes, dacitic domes and hydrothermal breccias.

The Complex extends along strike in a general NNW-SSE direction for at least 4km, a width of at least 2km and likely extends to a depth of more than 1km. Mineralization age is similar to Cerro Rico de Potosí and other major deposits such as San Vicente, Chorolque, Tasna and Tatasi located in the same geological trend.

Option Agreement

Definitive Option Agreement signed January 6, 2020

  • Fully permitted for exploration drill program. Road accessible
  • No fixed expenditure requirement
  • No royalties on property

Eloro issued the Title Holder 250,000 common shares in February 2020 and as per the Definitive Option Agreement issued a further 250,000 common shares on January 6, 2022 and is required to pay US $10 million to the Title Holder, by July 25, 2025. To date, US $7.2 million has been paid in option payments, leaving a balance of US $2.8 million.

Conceptual Deposit Model Iska Iska

Stage 1

SN (W) Porphyry

Stage 2

Dacitic Domes and Major Breccia
Pipe Formation Epithermal

Stage 3

Extensive Structural
Remobilization and Upgrading

Present Day

After Uplift, Glaciation
and Erosion

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